Heavenly Sky
A 20-pack of Heavenly Sky MemCards. Purple overtones with pink detail.
It is one of those spontaneous moments. You couldn't have planned it if you tried. You and your friends hop in the car and drive. You find yourself on a vista overlooking the city below. Selfies capture some things, but they can't describe the taco stand you hit up on your journey or the way you had to stop at three gas stations to find a working bathroom. How can you keep those memories alive?
Simple: a Heavenly Sky MemCard which you keep a stack of in your car for such occasions is a few pen strokes away from recording how the worker at gas station #2 looks exactly your 6th grade English teacher and the name of the taco stand you ate at because there is no way you'll remember how to find it again in the future.
2" x 3.5"